My Journey to Epicure
a lifelong love of eating, feeding, and inspiring
I've crammed a lot of different things into four decades: florist, waitress, SCUBA divemaster, stock photo agency manager, stroller fitness teacher, writer, editor, and au pair. I lived and worked in Rome for 13 months. That's where I learned to cook, visiting the markets, talking to farmers and fishmongers, and pestering them on how to prepare this and that.
I started my blog - Culinary Adventures with Camilla - a decade ago as a way to share recipes and culinary processes with friends. In the ensuing years, I've expanded my community to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. My pots and pans are my culinary canvas. And feeding my friends and family is my love language.
When my kids were little, I was determined grow conscientious, creative kids with fearless palates! Now that they are off at college, they have taken on that mantle of making their friends and housemates eat vegetables and other new-to-them ingredients. As for me, I've turned my eyes outward.
My mission at Culinary Cam: culinary inspiration. By sharing the processes behind recipes, I want to inspire people to get into their kitchens and cook fearlessly.
By learning a recipe, you can create one dish. When you learn the culinary process behind that recipe, the dishes you can create are limited only by your imagination.