This weekend the Sunday Funday bloggers are celebrating one of the harbingers of Spring: asparagus.

Stacy of Food Lust People Love, Sue of Palatable Pastime, Rebekah of Making Miracles, and Wendy of A Day in the Life on the Farm coordinate this low-stress group; we only participate when we are inspired. Sue is hosting this week and asked us to share asparagus recipes. Here's our line-up...
Asparagus and Herbed Ricotta Tart from A Day in the Life on the Farm
Asparagus Pesto from Sneha’s Recipe
Asparagus Soup from Amy's Cooking Adventures
Asparagus with Lemon, Mint, and Red Peppers from Karen’s Kitchen Stories
Prosciutto-wrapped Asparagus with Garlicky Baked Brie from Food Lust People Love
Quick Pickled Asparagus from Culinary Cam (you're here)
Roasted Asparagus with Tangerine Gastrique from Palatable Pastime
Quick Pickled Asparagus
But my absolute favorite way to serve and eat asparagus is quick pickled! So, I'm saving these beautiful spears for another day.
2 pounds organic asparagus
3 cups distilled white vinegar
1 cup water
1 Tablespoon salt
2 teaspoons organic granulated sugar
3 teaspoons yellow mustard seeds, divided into 1 t portions
3 teaspoons fennel seeds, divided into 1 teaspoon portions
1-1/2 teaspoon pink peppercorns, divided into 1/2 teaspoon portions
3 cloves of garlic
Also needed: 3 jars, lids and rings
Sterilize the jars, rings, and lids in boiling water and keep hot. Place 1 teaspoon mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon fennel seeds, and 1/2 teaspoon pink peppercorns into the bottom of each jar.

Trim asparagus to the shoulder of your jars. Quickly blanch them. And when they're cool enough to handle, pack the asparagus into the jars as tightly as you can.

In a large pot, stir together the vinegar, water, salt and sugar. Bring to a boil. Ladle the boiling bring over the asparagus. Top the jars with lids and rims and tighten to finger-tight. Invert jars on a towel-lined surface to move the spices throughout the jars.

Place in a hot water bath. Simmer for 10 minutes to process. Remove to a towel-lined counter and let cool for 12 to 24 hours. Test jars for a good seal. Refrigerate any jars that do not seal properly. Let pickles pickle for 1 week before eating.
That's a wrap for my asparagus offering for this week's #SundayFunday. The group will return next week with Dinner Party Dishes. Stay tuned!
An amazing way to have asparagus for a longer time.. love this recipe!
I remember this one from our Kitchen Matrix days! It sounds fabulous.
Now that's a canned asparagus I'd like to eat, Camilla! Straight from the jar or perhaps in a Bloody Mary.
I could pile one of these on a bun to add a twist to a Chicago Dog. Nice!
I love pickled asparagus. It is always a welcome addition to an appetizer buffet or as part of a salad or just as a snack by itself.